HITO: San Pedro/Port of Los Angeles/Port of Long Beach

Angels Gate Cultural Center, San Pedro
January 22 - March 4, 2012

This exhibition brings together many bodies of work from the artist's practice, tied to one location: The Port of Los Angeles. Heather has pinpointed locations in San Pedro, The Port of Los Angeles and the Port of Long Beach that have either greatly influenced her practice or are exact sites of a project. Located on a large scale map in the gallery, small tags with the artist's logo HITO match to numbers on the walls, as well as a key with descriptions of each project. Viewers are encouraged to visit these sites - to seek out the objects displayed from the Museum on the Lane Victory or recreate the views seen in Heather's photographs for themselves. A growing online map of Heather's explorations is also available at: http://g.co/maps/n64ey